Monday, June 25, 2007

Discovery post

Week 2: #4 registered blog
Week 3: #5 explored Flickr and downloaded a couple of photos - next time need to download photos before creating text


JimD said...

It's amazing what's out there on flickr. You could spend hours touring through from one photo to another. The idea of tags is interesting. Lots of libraries are using them in their catalogs now. Customers can tag titles with terms that they think are suitable. It's a cool addition to our cataloging records and probably makes things easier for them to find. What customer looks for the term 'cookery' for example?

Periodic Frippery said...

Tag, you're it! Please stop by my blog by using the link above to check out the rules of the game and to read a little bit me.

I enjoyed reading through your blog while checking for vict... er, others to play.